Things can certainly change in a hurry in the auto industry. Three years ago, there were nine car company commercials during the Super Bowl, in spite of a debilitating microchip shortage. As you’ll see from another story today, only Stellantis ran commercials this year during last Sunday’s game in which the Philadelphia Eagles beat the Kansa City Chiefs by a score of 40 to 22.
Commercials during the game in 2022 year cost an estimated 6.5 million dollars for a mere 30 seconds. While a lot of money, people tend to watch the commercials often more than the game itself, and many advertisers see a huge spike in sales and Internet traffic immediately following the broadcast.
For 2025, commercials last Sunday in the game averaged 8 million dollars, a substantial increase from just 3-years ago.
So, if you missed any of the car commercials in 2022, we have them for you here. Still one of my all-time favorites, the Silverado EV based on the hit HBO series, the Sopranos.
Photo Credit: Toyota.