Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography/


Keep Your Child Safe With A Teen Driver Contract

Written By: Jerry Reynolds | May 28, 2024 4:15:00 PM


I get a lot of callers to the Car Pro Show about how to buy a car for teenage drivers. I always suggest they have the child read carefully and sign a teen driver contract. 

An Austin-area judge came up with a wonderful teen driver contract and a link to the contract to go over with your teen. Here is the note he sent me. Thank you so much, Judge Madison!

I commend you for your article that was published in the Austin American Statesman on Thursday, October 11. I preside over 4 municipal courts in Central Texas. My court in Lakeway has won 3 traffic safety initiative awards for innovative programs to help keep teen drivers alive. 

Your article pointed out the fact that most parents turn their cars over to young, inexperienced teen drivers without even laying down ground rules. This is almost as frightening as a parent giving a loaded gun to a 16-year old without any instruction or rules.

Driving is the highest risk activity a 16-19 year old will ever have in their life. I believe that all parents should enter into a written Teen Driving Contract before turning the keys to their car to their teen driver.

We have developed our own teen driving contract modeled after Allstate Insurance Company’s program. Your listeners are welcome to go to our website and download my Microsoft Word Teen Driving Contract and use it and modify it to their own particular needs and liking.

They can go to this link
and download the contract.

Thanks again, for your work in helping protect teen drivers and in making parents more cognizant of these issues.

Best Regards,

Judge Kevin R. Madison

I believe this will save lives. As a parent who has lost a child, I know better than most that anything you can do to prevent a death is invaluable.

Click Here to Read and Download Teen Driving Contract →

 Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography/